Oxfordshire Badger Group

Celebrating and protecting the badgers of Oxfordshire

Our 2025 Sett Survey Challenge

 During 2025 we are hoping to update our badger sett records. We challenge our members and supporters to report in up to 12 badger setts during 2025, one a month.

There are 3 simple steps:

  1. The location: 10 figure grid reference or What3Words
  2. The status: Whether the sett is active. A note about footprints, paths or bedding. (It is still important to report the sett in, even if you think it isn't active.)
  3. Description: How many holes and where (eg. under oak tree)


Please report via our online form: https://www.oxonbadgergroup.org.uk/report/


Please DO NOT post badger sett locations on social media.


Thank You and Good Luck



Protect the Wild - Petition to Stop The Cull

The petition calls on the government to "End the Badger cull and adopt other approaches to bovine TB control". At 100,000 signatures it will be considered for debate in Parliament. Please add your voice to help it reach the mark.


Oxfordshire Badger Group  (OBG) relies entirely on our wonderful volunteers and public donations to carry out our badger welfare and conservation work. We welcome new members who share our love of badgers. We are always pleased to answer any queries from the public, landowners  or professionals concerning badgers, their setts and habitats.

Thank you for your interest and support !