THANK YOU! We've completed badger vaccination for 2021

The 2021 badger vaccination season is over for the Oxfordshire Badger group so now it’s time to give out some HUGE thank-you’s !

THANK YOU to the volunteers that gave up their time to make this project run smoothly.

THANK YOU to the landowners who sign up to the project to protect their badgers.

THANK YOU to all the other Badger Groups around the country who share their experience, knowledge, and support.

And an extra BIG
THANK YOU to everyone who donated money to our project. It doesn’t matter how big or small your donation is, it all helps towards vaccinating badgers.

THANK YOU to the Badger Trust for awarding us a training grant !

THANK YOU to the companies that gave us grants or donations.

THANK YOU to all those that share, like, comment and engage with us on social media, it all helps to spread the message that there is a scientific alternative to the badger cull and that there is a more humane way to help fight the disease that is so devastating to many.

During the 2021 season we doubled the number of landowners we work with and more than doubled the number of badgers vaccinated by us in 2021. None of this would be possible without your support.

It won’t be a quiet, closed season as we already have new landowners approaching us.
Over the winter we will be running some in-house training sessions and hopefully getting a few more of our existing volunteers through their Module 2, trapper training course.

If you want to join our friendly team or are a landowner who wants to find out more about the project, please email us.


We will keep our Go Fund Me page open for a few more months. Anything more that is donated will go towards our 2022 season.